Fire & Fury Inside the Trump White House Book Review!

Published February 20, 2018 by Shay Taree

As we all know many of us were shocked when Donald Trump became President of the United States and since then there have been several scandals that have rocked the White House. So when this book came out about the secrets regarding this presidency I just had to read it.

To be honest this book was a very interesting read and had me from beginning until the end. But there were moments when this book had me kind of confused because to be honest there were a few people in the political world that I didn’t know.

That doesn’t mean this book wasn’t entertaining because it was totally entertaining when talking about the different scandals and a behind the scenes look of what many people where thinking when Trump became president and seeing him run the country.

Like you learn that Trump didn’t expect to win the presidency and most people in his camp were apart of his campaign for their on agenda and in many ways other people seemed to be running the White House.

You also learned a little bit about the thought process behind so many of the hiring and firing of many officials. Plus you see more about what happens when the Comey firing happened.

I definitely recommend checking out this book if you have been interested in this presidency due to all the shenanigans that have been going on. This also doesn’t at time read like your usual political book and at times reminded me of a soap opera. I honestly couldn’t believe that this was really happening. So definitely check out this book! Also feel free to comment down below about what you thought of this book if you read it and also whether or not you will read it.

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