
All posts for the month May, 2019

Learning To Relax!

Published May 30, 2019 by Shay Taree

So there is one thing that I constantly struggle with and that’s relaxing. I’m always worrying or thinking about something that I shouldn’t. Usually when this happens it causes me to get worked up or anxious which is just terrible. So I’ve decided to try and few things to help me to relax and not worry so much.

I’m sure that many of you already know that I currently meditate and I enjoy journaling to get my thoughts out. But I’ve been thinking of trying to do more things so that I don’t stress out so much and learn to enjoy my me time and also just life in general.

So I’m someone who loves to schedule or plan ahead in some way so I’m thinking of starting to exercise more. Not anything crazy but at least 10 mins a day a few days a week and then work on it from there. I’m also definitely planning to take some time out to unplug and not be on my phone. That is something that I do constantly. I use my phone for everything so it feels like I never put it down. Also like I’ve mentioned before sometimes it’s the cause of my stress when I start to play the comparison game.

But also with exercising more I plan to start eating healthy, reading more books, and also spending more time on hobbies.

So those are my plans on trying to relax more or de-stress. But now I want to know some of yours? What do you do to relax? I can’t wait to read your suggestions. Hey I may even try some of them out.

~Shay Taree

What App Are You Obsessed With?

Published May 29, 2019 by Shay Taree

Now I don’t know about everyone else but I’m obsessed with finding new apps to put on my phone. So I’m always seeing what other apps people have on their phones just to see if it’s something that I may like.

But in my case I’m actually rediscovering an app that I’ve actually had on my phone for a while. That app is Pinterest. I know that Pinterest has been around for a while and at one point a lot of people were talking about this app. Well when that craze was going on I wasn’t really too interested in it. Maybe this was because I didn’t really know how to use it or even what the purpose is. But now I’ve finally gotten the hang of it and I love it.

Currently what I mostly use it for is inspiration, daydreaming, and also just to plan for events in the future. So yes I’m definitely that girl that has a wedding Pinterest board. What can I say a lot of the pins are really cute and plus I have a lot of friends that are married or engaged so it’s fun to imagine.

But what apps are you guys currently obsessed with? Is the app a new one that you’ve downloaded or is an old one that you’ve gotten re-obsessed with. Comment down below and let me know. Maybe I may even try out the app.

~Shay Taree

Studying The Bible

Published May 28, 2019 by Shay Taree

So one of the things that I’m deciding to take on is by studying my bible more. I don’t know why I’m deciding to do this but for some reason I just feel the need to. But here’s the problem I don’t know where to start.

Originally I thought about buying a workbook but I don’t really want to spend the money and instead I’m thinking of just finding something on Pinterest that I can follow.

Also yes I know that not a lot of people are not religious but for me religion is something that’s important to me. It’s something that I’ve grown up with and helps to keep me grounded a lot.

So now I’m asking all of you of what do y’all use to study the Bible if you are religious. I’m curious to see if it’s something that I can use. Plus like always feel free to comment anything that you would like me to discuss. Also have a great day!

~Shay Taree

How I Stay Positive

Published May 23, 2019 by Shay Taree

I know that everywhere you look there are always people, quotes, and everything in between telling you to stay positive. I also know that staying positive can be very difficult especially when things just aren’t going right. Trust me I definitely know this feelings but I do have some little tricks I use to try and stay positive.

Think of something exciting: It can be anything that’s happening that day, that week, or that month. It can be anything that I truly can’t wait for. Usually this takes my mind off of what is making me sad or upset for at least a little while.

Stay off social media: I notice that sometimes the feelings of negativity I have stem from social media. I start to scroll through pictures on Facebook and Instagram which starts the comparison game. I know that it’s difficult to not be on social media but try using an app that makes you happy such as playing a game or if you can try doing something that doesn’t require your phone like reading a book, writing, or anything else that you love.

Journal: Speaking of writing, one of the things I definitely do everyday is journal. I journal in the mornings before I start my day and I also journal at night. The reason why I journal is to set my intention for the day and also so that I can get any unwanted feelings or thoughts out of my head and on paper. It can definitely be a soothing and wonderful thing. If you like I can use a blog post dedicated to my journaling habits.

Spend time with people: Now when I mean spend time with people I mean spend time with people that inspire you. These people help to lift you up and they also make you feel at ease with who you are. I know for me I definitely have these people that I turn to. Even if you can’t spend time with them in person maybe you can talk to them on the phone or send them a text. Also feel free to let them know how you’re feeling. Usually talking to someone else can also help you put things in perspective and help you love/like yourself again. This can also be helpful if your not one for journaling.

Those are just some of the things I do to try and stay positive and I hope that these things help you. Also one thing I want to make sure I add is that I’m not saying that you should ever brush aside your feelings. I’m just trying to give helpful tips that I use to get you out of that slump. But it’s okay to feel these feelings and your feelings are valid. So if you have a day where you just feel sad it’s okay to feel that.

But let me know what you think of this blog post by commenting down below and also let me know if you have any topics you would like me to discuss!

~Shay Taree

Cross Manage Vol 1 Manga Review!

Published May 22, 2019 by Shay Taree

So I started reading a new manga called Cross Manage so check out the review to see what I thought of volume 1. Also comment down below your thoughts if you’ve read this manga before.

Remember I come out with new videos every Monday, Wednesday, & Saturday. Also be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already and be sure to click the bell icon to turn on post notifications.






Video Like: Cross Manage Vol 1 Manga Review!

~-Shay Taree

Finding Your Life Purpose

Published May 21, 2019 by Shay Taree

Finding your life purpose is something that I feel like many of us continue to search for. Sometimes we think it’s one thing but then it turns out to be another.

What made me think of this topic is because of a book I’m currently listening to which is called “The Greater You” by Trent Shelton. In this book he starts out talking about how he knew his purpose was to help people and he thought it would be through football. Well football didn’t end up working out and he ended up doing motivational speaking and that turned out to be his life purpose and what he was meant to do.

For me at the age of 28 almost 29 I still don’t know what my life purpose is or what I’m meant to do. Right now I’m currently working a pretty good job but I’ve always thought that I was meant for more but I just don’t know what. I do know that I enjoy helping others and putting a smile on their face.

So far one of the things that I’ve done that makes me feel like I might be heading in the right direction is by doing YouTube and trying to keep up with this blog. I feel like sharing my love for anime on YouTube and also my experiences when it comes to anxiety, trying to spread positivity, and also just anything else I can think of is putting me in the right direction but sometimes I don’t know.

There are days where I feel just so lost and feel like I should just give up but then I think about what I would be doing instead and it makes me want to continue. This is because when I see my thoughts going that route I realize that I would be very bored and even more loss if I didn’t have this blog or my YouTube channel.

Right now that seems to be the thing I’m praying about the most and that’s finding my life purpose and pursuing that. I hope that the Lord points me in the right direction soon. But now I want to know your thoughts on this topic. Do you know your life purpose? Are you like me and still trying to figure it out? If you do know your life purpose then how did you find it and how did you know for sure?

Comment down below and let me know. I’m definitely interested to know what everyone has to say. Also feel free to comment any questions you have or any topics you would like me to talk about on here or even my YouTube channel if your an anime fan.

See you tomorrow!

~Shay Taree

Where Do You Find Inspiration?

Published May 20, 2019 by Shay Taree

First of all Happy Monday Everyone! I know that I usually post a video on these days but due to working this weekend I couldn’t quite find the time. So instead I have a blog post for everyone.

Today topic is going to be on inspiration because I feel like it’s something that we all come across each day whether we are looking for it or not. But I’m also curious of where do you find inspiration?

For me I honestly look for inspiration all around me. When I’m in the car, what ever I’m listening to, at work, online, and just everywhere in between. I feel like inspiration is everywhere you just have to stop and listen.

Whenever I think of video ideas something they just come to me while driving. Usually it’s due to whatever I’m listening to at the time. Also a lot of time it’s the apps I go on and some of my favorite people on YouTube. While I mainly talk about anime on my YouTube channel I like sometimes look at other genres and see how I can make it pertain to anime.

But that’s just some of the ways that I find inspiration. What are some of your ways? Comment down below and let me know. I’m very interested to know.

~Shay Taree

Viz Media Manga App Review!

Published May 19, 2019 by Shay Taree

So I’ve been looking for a way to read manga on my phone using a legal app and I found the Viz Media App. So check out what I had to say about it and comment down below your thoughts.

Remember I come out with new videos every Monday, Wednesday, & Saturday. Also be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already and click the bell icon to turn on post notifications so that you’re notified when a new video comes out.






Video Link: Viz Media Manga App Review!


Published May 16, 2019 by Shay Taree

So I’m sitting here at work and ever since yesterday I’ve had some crazy anxiety. Anxiety sucks and a lot of times I have no idea what causes it. But I do know that sometimes when it happens I get dizzy and it really sucks because it just makes my anxiety worse.

Now I feel like I’m going to cry and honestly I mostly just wish I was at home. I know some people might ask why I choose to share this but that’s because I hope that I can help someone. I hope that someone reads this and realizes that they are normal even though they may get anxious at times.

Sometimes I wonder why anxiety even exists and why it affects some people more than others? Also if any of you have anxiety or have anxious moments what do you do to help calm yourself down? I would love to have more ideas. Plus what are some of your anxiety symptoms? Comment down below because I’m really curious and I’m interested in try some new things to control it.

~Shay Taree

Detective Pikachu Spoiler Free Review!

Published May 15, 2019 by Shay Taree

This weekend I was so excited to watch the Detective Pikachu movie so of course I had to do a review. Also of course its spoiler free. So enjoy and comment down below your thoughts and of course don’t post any spoilers.

Remember I come out with new videos every Monday, Wednesday, & Saturday. So be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already and click the bell icon to turn on post notifications so that you’re notified when a new video is released.






Video Link: Detective Pikachu Spoiler Free Review!

~ Shay Taree