
All posts tagged opinion

Who Is More Useless? (Updated Video)

Published June 29, 2020 by Shay Taree

So I decided to make an updated version for a video that I made about a year ago concerning Orihime and Sakura. I will answer a few common questions from that video and explain my reasoning regarding my decision. So feel free to comment below your thoughts.

Remember I come out with new videos every Monday, Wednesday, & Saturday so be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already. Also please click the bell icon to turn on post notifications so that you’re notified when a new video is released.


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~Shay Taree

Instagram Detox (Sort Of)

Published November 28, 2018 by Shay Taree

As I’m sure many of you guys saw on Monday I posted a video on my YouTube channel about how you should enjoy your journey. This is because so many of us look at other people’s journey and compare it to our own. This is something that I do all the time and I decided to try and find someway to change that.

I’ve been noticing for a while now that I tend to look at Instagram a lot. It’s definitely one of my favorite apps and I scroll through it at any chance I can get. But I also notice that it has taken a toll on my mental health. It’s caused me to think that I’m not good enough in more ways than just looks but also personality, my relationships, and also my career. I was looking at my friends lives and getting depressed.

Now I know that everyone posts the best part of themselves on social media but still it’s hard not feel certain pressures in your life when you see people doing things that you want to do. Or see them happy and wonder why your life isn’t like that. I also started to look at how many likes I would get on a picture or who was liking my posts. If certain people didn’t like my post then I tended to wonder if they even liked me or did I do something wrong or maybe they just didn’t see it.

What really made things worse was when I realized I would visit people’s pages (mostly friends) who I felt insecure or jealous of and wonder what was so great about them. I would go to their pages when I was feeling bad and then feel even worse after looking at their pictures or videos. It’s a weird thing to do but so many of us when we are feeling down will seek out things that make us feel worse.

So this got me to thinking about how can I change this? How can I stop comparing my life to other people’s life and start instilling the self-confidence that I know that I have. This led me into thinking about what is causing me to be unhappy and why. The bottom line for me was social media and also the things I was telling myself.

Which led me to thinking of doing a Instagram detox. Now not all social media since most of my social media I don’t seem to mind so much. Just Instagram at least that’s what I’m going to start out with for now. So Monday I decided to remove Instagram from the 1st page on my home screen to a folder on a different page. Since if it’s out of sight then I won’t click on it as often. To be honest this kind of helped but after that first day I realized that wasn’t enough.

I know I could have deleted the app completely but let’s be real I wasn’t ready for that and I honestly didn’t want to. I wanted to start small which led me on Tuesday to look in the settings on my phone and I found the screen time section.

On iPhones there is a section that will tell you how long per day you are on your phone. It will even break it down by apps also. The reason for this is to help you not be on your phone so much and it also tells you each week through a notification how long you’re on your phone each day. But when I looked at my screen time it was staggering how much I’m on my phone. Each day I used my phone at least for 9 hours. But a lot of it was my maps app which I use to and from work. Plus YouTube which I also listen to and also reading since I love to read books.

What was worse was Instagram. My Instagram usage per day was at least 1 hour and 30 mins. That was pretty scary for me to look at. So that’s when I decided to put a limit on how long I can go on it per day. I set the limit that day on Tuesday for 30 mins.

So how did I do that day? Well I honestly didn’t do that bad. By the time I got home from work I had 5 mins left of the allotted 30 mins and by the time I got into bed by 10pm I got the alert that my 30mins was up. To be honest I acknowledged the notification I received but asked it to give me 15 more mins. But I felt guilty after doing this and ended up closing the app after about 3 extra mins.

All in all I felt I did well and I plan to continue with the 30 mins today (Wednesday). So far I’ve only used 6 mins of the 30 but I also didn’t check Instagram until I got to work which is good since I usually check it while getting ready for work.

But each day I plan to keep this blog updated with what happens, if I succeed, what I do with my time instead, how this is affecting my mental health, and also what other steps I’m taking on this road to self-confidence.

Feel free to comment down below about anything I’ve just written. Also I plan to also discuss this on my youtube channel.

~Shay Taree

The Issues With My Favorite Childhood Anime!

Published September 12, 2018 by Shay Taree

So once again I’m back with another anime discussion and this time I’m talking about some our childhood anime that we enjoyed as a kid. But now I’m talking about the issues with these anime now that I’m an adult. Don’t worry I’m not going to drag the shows for too long but I honestly enjoyed making this video so enjoy.

Remember I make new videos every Monday, Wednesday, & Saturday. So be sure to to click that bell icon so that your notified when my new videos come out. Plus be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already.

~Shay Taree

Least Favorite Anime Of 2017!

Published December 30, 2017 by Shay Taree

Since I came out with a favorite anime of 2017 last Saturday you already know that I had to come out with a least favorite list as well. Once again this is just my opinion and it’s completely okay if you don’t agree with me. Also feel free to comment down below what you think of my list, if you have any anime that you would like me to watch, or if you have any topics you would like me to discuss.

Remember that if your enjoying my content be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already. Also I come out with new videos every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday.

~Shay Taree

Could Another Anime Be Popular Like Pokemon?

Published March 11, 2016 by Shay Taree

As I’m sure everyone knows Pokemon has just announced a new Pokemon game titled sun and moon. Many people me included is very excited about the new game. 

But now because of that it got me thinking if another anime could become popular or stand the test of time like Pokemon has. I know that many have tried like for example Digimon 

but to me it just didn’t have the staying power like Pokemon did. Nor did it seem to span so many different types or merchandise like Pokemon did.

Now before many of you start to mention Dragon Ball Z as an anime that is quite popular and has stayed popular that is true. 

But Dragon Ball Z while staying popular I haven’t seen a huge uproar when new products are released like I seem to hear with Pokemon. 

Dragon Ball Z to me has more of a nostalgic aspect to it then Pokemon does. Maybe it’s because Pokemon is still on TV and airs during a nice little time slot compared to other anime’s. 

So back to the question! Do you think another anime could be popular like Pokemon and my answer is probably not since any anime that comes out similar to it will be compared to Pokemon. It would have to take a great anime and game combo to be able to de-throne Pokemon. 

But what do you all think? Comment down below with your opinions. I can’t wait to read them!

~Anime Reviewer Girl!

USA Making Anime!?

Published February 17, 2016 by Shay Taree

Alright so the topic can be kind of deceiving but the main discussion is on should the US cut ties with Japan and make anime based on western culture. 

Check out the video to find out what my opinion is and don’t forget to like, comment, & subscribe for more videos

~Anime Reviewer Girl! 

Are Anime Fans Ungrateful?

Published February 10, 2016 by Shay Taree

Please don’t be upset about the topic that I chose for today’s discussion. I just went based off my opinion and also what I’ve just been noticing. So check out my new video to know more and also please don’t be afraid to give me your opinion. 

Also don’t forget to like, comment, & subscribe!

~Anime Reviewer Girl!

Anime Or Manga?

Published March 25, 2015 by Shay Taree

I know that many people may have a preference when it comes to this but then there are also others that may not. What I’m talking about is which do you like better anime or manga?

For me I actually like anime’s more than manga’s. I think it’s because I watch more anime than I read manga. Now manga is definitely not a bad thing since that is where a lot of the anime we know and love come from.
I think what also makes me like it more is the fact that when it comes to action sequences I’m able to see it all happen fluidly instead of how it’s done in the manga.
But which do you like better anime or manga or do you like both equally? Leave a comment down below and like always I will answer back. 
~Anime Reviewer Girl!

What Makes Someone An Anime Fan?

Published March 2, 2015 by Shay Taree

This is something that I’ve always wondered but what exactly makes someone an anime fan? I mean is it how they look, how much anime merchandise they have, or could it be how much they know about anime?

The reason why I’m asking this question is because I’ve had people say to me when they find out I like anime that I don’t look like an anime fan. I don’t exactly understand what that means but I took it for that it means that I’m not someone they thought would like anime. Which is weird to me because I didn’t know that you needed to look a certain way for you to like or enjoy something.
Also it makes me wonder that would someone who doesn’t own a lot of anime merchandise be looked as less of fan than someone who has a lot of anime merchandise? The same goes for someone who has seen a lot of different kinds of anime and someone who has only really watched mainstream anime such as Bleach and Naruto?
I guess my definition of an anime fan is just someone that enjoys and respects the medium of what it is. To me you don’t have to look a certain way to enjoy anime. You don’t have to own a lot of merchandise to be a fan and you don’t have to have watched every anime out there to be a fan either. 
But what are your thoughts about this topic? I would definitely love to know. Comment down below about what you think and like always I will answer back. 

~Anime Reviewer Girl!

Sub VS Dub ٩◔̯◔۶

Published February 28, 2015 by Shay Taree
So I know that this is a topic that many people have their own opinions about and I thought that I would share mine. That topic is sub vs dub. 
I know that many people prefer the sub since they can hear the original
Japanese voices and they don’t mind reading the subtitles
Then you have those that prefer the dub because they don’t want to read the subtitles and they don’t mind the dub voices.
Well for me I kind of like both depending on the mood I’m in and the anime that I’m trying to watch. Some anime I do prefer the subtitles version since it may have been the version that I’ve seen first and I’m used to the Japanese voices. Also it could be that there isn’t a dub available for that specific show. 
Now when it comes to dubbed shows I do like them for a few different reasons. One reason is that if it’s an older show where I watched the dub first for example Sailor Moon then I’m used to the dub voices so when I hear the original Japanese I’m not used to it. Another reason is that I don’t feel like reading the subtitles and just want to listen and pay attention to the show. The last reason for me is also that I may look up who is doing the voices in the dub and decide that it could be good especially if I recognize any of the voice actors names. 
But there is my opinion on sub vs dub. I don’t think one is better than the other. I think that they are both great and that it’s definitely up to the viewer. But I would love to know everyone else’s opinion. Like always comment down below and I will definitely answer back.
Happy Watching! ~ Anime Reviewer Girl!